
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Time is Money

Hello my dear friends,
Hope you are feeling optimistic about your finances and having a fantastic week. Today I want to talk about a very important treasure we have and that is time. You’ve probably heard many productive people say that Time is Money and I definitely agree. What do you think?
From the day we arrive on earth until we leave we have the golden opportunity to love, laugh, enjoy, experience, create, console, inspire, achieve and if you ask me I would say that time is the most valuable resource of all. Time is a very precious commodity because it cannot be manufactured, created or replaced. Time lost is life lost. Time wasted is life wasted. So it is really important to make each day count.

  Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.

Do you realise that each day that God gives you is a brand new gift?  Leave behind yesterday’s tears, frustrations, anger, disappointments, heartache and sorrow. Begin today with a fresh start, a new resolve, a great determination that you can achieve anything you want. Use your time fruitfully and wisely. Fill each moment with goodness and create wealth – wealth of happiness, new plans, hard work and renewed energy. Three things are important for success – hard work, time management and planning. There’s a saying which goes “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.”  Here’s what you can do:

 Time Management:
  1.  Make the most of your active and best hours.
  2.  Watch less TV.
  3.  Talk less over the phone. Don’t chat for hours with friends or colleagues and waste  your time during your productive hours.
  4. Spend less time online unless it’s part of your job and it’s making money for you. 
  5. Get enough sleep so that your productive hours are power packed.
  6. Use the time you are driving or queuing up productively by listening to motivational CDs, repeat affirmations of wealth/peace/courage mantras.
  7. Read instead of playing computer games, chatting excessively or idling.
  8. Exercise instead of watching television. Spend at least 30 minutes of your TV time strengthening your body. Do some weights, yoga, pilates, cycling or take a walk outside!
  9. Use some time to relax in between your busy day by listening to soothing music or    take a short nap.  Relax by watching a funny, creative or inspiring programme but for just 20 – 30 minutes. Don’t watch something violent and depressing because you will end up feeling dissatisfied, wanting more and wasting more time.
  10. Make time for your family and friends each day because that will make you happy and more productive.

  1. Plan your day. Make a To Do list and tick off each item as you complete it. Keep a note book with you at all times especially for your planning.
  2. Plan your week.
  3. Have priorities and attend to the important things you have been putting off for too long such as your good health, your finances, your family and your inner strength.
  4. Plan to build a strong body and mind. You need both to create money and happiness.
  5. Plan your finances both short term and long term,  a one year plan and a five to ten year plan.
go to for more tips

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