
Saturday 2 February 2013

Food for Your Soul

Hello my dear friends,
Thanks for reading my post yesterday about how vegetarian food has a positive effect on your thoughts, actions and emotions. While we are on planet earth we want the best for ourselves and others so why not start with our health. Indeed health is wealth because we can have a million dollars but without the good health to enjoy life we can't have the quality of life we desire. Apart from selecting healthy foods to eat we also need to avoid unhealthy habits such as overeating, smoking, and  excessive intake of alcohol and drug abuse. 

Unhealthy habits usually stem from a lack of self love, a sense of emptiness and failure, a lack of fulfillment. If one wants the best in life for oneself it's important to look within. Beyond the layers of your body, emotions and mind lies something great, intense, unsullied, beautiful and magnificent. And that is your soul, your spirit, your higher Self call it what you want. But the truth is you are truth itself, you are bliss, you are knowledge, you are abundance and you don't need food, alcohol, drugs or any external aid to experience that. You are love itself so love yourself. Fall in love with yourself, not in a narcisstic, selfish way but appreciate this great opportunity to unfold your potential and find your inner truth and experience the real you. The real you is beautiful, true, good, kind, peace and bliss.  By being dependent on something outside of us to be happy, we victimise ourselves and become powerless. To empower ourselves we need to master our selves and our senses and give up bad habits.

A healthy body deserves a healthy mind and emotions and so it is important not to neglect this aspect of our health. Be in the company of positive minded, optimistic persons. Cultivate your mind to think about high ideals, triumph of the human soul against all odds, believe in the impossible, believe in you.

The easiest way to find good company is to read good books such as Jeffrey Archer's Paths of Glory,         J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and A Hobbit Journey, Benjamin Hoff's The Tao of Pooh, Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Pursuit of Happiness by Chris Gardner, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and hundreds more. For me personally these books I have mentioned are among many which have inspired and encouraged me when I needed it most.

The Giving Tree


Nowadays it is so easy to lose ourselves in watching too much television, excessive talk, being on line too long and the list goes on.  During the recent Olympics in London I was truly in awe of the participants. Some of the swimmers who were interviewed said that they would start training at 4 am daily for 3 to 4 hours  before they attended school each day and they were only young teenagers. Such training and discipline certainly made them world champions. So in order to have a healthy body, mind and emotions some discipline and restraint is essential in the way we train our body, mind and emotions.

Food for good health does not only mean only what we eat. It also includes  what we hear and see also. It is important to take in food for our soul listening to good words, seeing good actions and avoiding violent movies and pornography.

Express your love and friendship, laugh as often as you can. Pray to God. Most of all BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Until we meet again my dears,  may today be filled with happy surprises and laughter for you.

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