
Thursday 21 February 2013

Plan to Be Rich

Hello everyone how’s your day been so far? I hope it’s been a happy one. They say money is the root of all evil and they also say money makes the world go round. I feel money is a divine blessing and one should be thankful for all material comforts which come from the loving universe.

If you want to have a rich and comfortable life you must be clear about what you want. If you have a hazy view about your life goals then your action plan is also going to be a blurred one.

You desire to see a blockbuster movie with your children or girlfriend but you are very busy and keep putting it off. It’s there somewhere in the back of your mind. A week or two go by and you have missed the movie. Then you decide to watch it on DVD but again you are too busy and the movie is forgotten. 

Many of us have nice, wonderful ideas in the back of our minds but something keeps us from putting it into action. Sometimes it’s the fear of success, fear of not having enough money, fear no one’s going to like your idea, fear of increased responsibility. So the want or desire is not as strong as the fear. The fear is stronger than the desire and we keep feeding the fear. A ship that is anchored in the harbour is safe, but it is not going anywhere. We like being in our comfort zone. Something new or even the idea of it makes us uncomfortable.
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.

Get out of your comfort zone. Make your desire for a rich life stronger than your fears. Think clearly about your plans and goals. What do you really want for yourself, your family, friends and community? List them out. Have an action plan. BE PROACTIVE AND EXECUTE IT. Good luck and hope you have many wonderful ideas and an effective action plan.

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me....going to bed at night saying we'v done something wonderful....that's what matters to me.
                                                                                                                                         -Steve Jobs

Much Love,  


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