
Thursday 28 February 2013

Wealthy Blue Print and the Reticular Activating System

Hello my dear friends,
Any good news today? I hope your day's been a happy one with good food, kind people and comfort of home. If you felt disappointed today then I hope you had someone to listen to your troubles and something good to console you. Most of all remember you are a magnificent beautiful being. You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Don't give up. Persist. Persevere. 

If you want to be wealthy you must write down your goals and design your own  blue print. In other words list down in detail what you want and create an action plan that will materialise your goals. By doing this you are reprogramming your brain to make your dreams come true. When you decide to buy a new car and you decide which model you want you will start to notice the exact same model on the road when you are driving. If your dream car is a  white BMW you will start seeing white BMWs everywhere!  

The Reticular formation is a complex network of nerve fibres in the brainstem and is responsible for arousal,  attention, regulates awareness and sleep among other functions. The Reticular Activating System or RAS acts as a filter and screens out disturbing stimuli that obscures your focus.

Writing down what you want is crucial because it helps your brain focus on the important things and filter out  the distractions. The next step is to consistently read your list of goals and action plan. Do it daily. You can rewrite or revise as you go along. Just by doing that you will take the first step and your subconscious mind will find a way to make your dreams come true. 

Check out:

                    How your Psycho Cybernetic Mechanism Holds You Back

Enjoy and wishing you lots of luck,

Monday 25 February 2013

Wealth of each new day - Enrich every moment and day

Hello my dear friends,
How was your day today? I hope it was good. Did your plans work out? Did you have some good laughs, some loving moments with family and friends, a productive day? Did you say a few kind or encouraging words to someone? Were you able to share some food with another? Did you count your blessings and thank God for His protection and guidance?

Remember each day is brand new if we make it so. Each day we have the chance to correct the mistakes of yesterday, to strengthen and heal ourselves, to make new plans, to dream new dreams , to love more, forgive more, to take more action. Each day is a gift from God. Make each day your best and add it to your treasure chest of riches. Don't waste it.
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. - J.B.Priestley 

It's never too late to do what you only dream of doing. You can be 20 or 50 or 80 but it's never too late to learn something new like playing the piano or learning to salsa and waltz. It's never too late to go on a holiday you have only been dreaming of, or buying a property or saving and investing, or starting a business. It's never too late to fall in love or make new friends. It's never too late to give yourself or someone else another chance. It's all in your mind. You can start right now. What are you waiting for?  

Wishing you a beautiful today and beautiful tomorrows,


Thursday 21 February 2013

Plan to Be Rich

Hello everyone how’s your day been so far? I hope it’s been a happy one. They say money is the root of all evil and they also say money makes the world go round. I feel money is a divine blessing and one should be thankful for all material comforts which come from the loving universe.

If you want to have a rich and comfortable life you must be clear about what you want. If you have a hazy view about your life goals then your action plan is also going to be a blurred one.

You desire to see a blockbuster movie with your children or girlfriend but you are very busy and keep putting it off. It’s there somewhere in the back of your mind. A week or two go by and you have missed the movie. Then you decide to watch it on DVD but again you are too busy and the movie is forgotten. 

Many of us have nice, wonderful ideas in the back of our minds but something keeps us from putting it into action. Sometimes it’s the fear of success, fear of not having enough money, fear no one’s going to like your idea, fear of increased responsibility. So the want or desire is not as strong as the fear. The fear is stronger than the desire and we keep feeding the fear. A ship that is anchored in the harbour is safe, but it is not going anywhere. We like being in our comfort zone. Something new or even the idea of it makes us uncomfortable.
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.

Get out of your comfort zone. Make your desire for a rich life stronger than your fears. Think clearly about your plans and goals. What do you really want for yourself, your family, friends and community? List them out. Have an action plan. BE PROACTIVE AND EXECUTE IT. Good luck and hope you have many wonderful ideas and an effective action plan.

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me....going to bed at night saying we'v done something wonderful....that's what matters to me.
                                                                                                                                         -Steve Jobs

Much Love,  


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Time is Money

Hello my dear friends,
Hope you are feeling optimistic about your finances and having a fantastic week. Today I want to talk about a very important treasure we have and that is time. You’ve probably heard many productive people say that Time is Money and I definitely agree. What do you think?
From the day we arrive on earth until we leave we have the golden opportunity to love, laugh, enjoy, experience, create, console, inspire, achieve and if you ask me I would say that time is the most valuable resource of all. Time is a very precious commodity because it cannot be manufactured, created or replaced. Time lost is life lost. Time wasted is life wasted. So it is really important to make each day count.

  Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.

Do you realise that each day that God gives you is a brand new gift?  Leave behind yesterday’s tears, frustrations, anger, disappointments, heartache and sorrow. Begin today with a fresh start, a new resolve, a great determination that you can achieve anything you want. Use your time fruitfully and wisely. Fill each moment with goodness and create wealth – wealth of happiness, new plans, hard work and renewed energy. Three things are important for success – hard work, time management and planning. There’s a saying which goes “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.”  Here’s what you can do:

 Time Management:
  1.  Make the most of your active and best hours.
  2.  Watch less TV.
  3.  Talk less over the phone. Don’t chat for hours with friends or colleagues and waste  your time during your productive hours.
  4. Spend less time online unless it’s part of your job and it’s making money for you. 
  5. Get enough sleep so that your productive hours are power packed.
  6. Use the time you are driving or queuing up productively by listening to motivational CDs, repeat affirmations of wealth/peace/courage mantras.
  7. Read instead of playing computer games, chatting excessively or idling.
  8. Exercise instead of watching television. Spend at least 30 minutes of your TV time strengthening your body. Do some weights, yoga, pilates, cycling or take a walk outside!
  9. Use some time to relax in between your busy day by listening to soothing music or    take a short nap.  Relax by watching a funny, creative or inspiring programme but for just 20 – 30 minutes. Don’t watch something violent and depressing because you will end up feeling dissatisfied, wanting more and wasting more time.
  10. Make time for your family and friends each day because that will make you happy and more productive.

  1. Plan your day. Make a To Do list and tick off each item as you complete it. Keep a note book with you at all times especially for your planning.
  2. Plan your week.
  3. Have priorities and attend to the important things you have been putting off for too long such as your good health, your finances, your family and your inner strength.
  4. Plan to build a strong body and mind. You need both to create money and happiness.
  5. Plan your finances both short term and long term,  a one year plan and a five to ten year plan.
go to for more tips

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Women of Character

Dear Friends,
I do hope you enjoyed reading my last post about the wealth of character and one person who has a lot of character is J.K.Rowling. Don’t you think so? I truly admire her for her incredible imagination, writing skills, knowledge of Latin and rags to riches journey to incredible wealth and fame. She has inspired the world to believe in the triumph of good over evil, and the hidden greatness within all of us. She wrote her first book while a single mother on welfare with a manual typewriter. She creatively used her own sorrow and struggles in life to make money, gladden the hearts of children and adults alike taking them on a fantastic journey lasting decades. Her books have been an unbelievable money spinner through movies, magazines and merchandise. According to the UK Rich list she is the world's richest author and her net worth is $1 billion. She is the only career author to have been on the Forbes Billionaire list. But as Michael d'Estries put it "Author of the Harry Potter series is no longer in the billionaire club - thanks to being an incredible person." She has donated around $160 million to those in poverty, children welfare, multiple sclerosis and illiteracy. 
"You have a moral responsibility when you have been given far more than you need to do wise things with it and to give intelligently."
Another lady to inspire you is Louann Lofton the author of the investment guide ‘Warren Buffet invests like a girl and why you should too’. Having lost her father at the tender age of 14 she was forced to manage her own finances intelligently. She has followed the Buffet style of investing by being “greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy”. Her greatest opportunity came during the 2008 crash in the market. She says “I had to keep reminding myself that awful times in the market are, seen correctly, great opportunities to pick up shares of excellent companies at ridiculously discounted prices…I bought more shares of Apple Computer at US$139.88, and it’s trading around US$520 today, giving me  a 270% gain. I also bought more shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill at US$57.18, which is now trading at around US$296 a share giving me a return of about 395%,”.  
So what are you waiting for?
1. Write that book you'v had in your mind for so long 
2. Start saving for a long deserved holiday
3. Read about how to invest wisely 
4. Invest in some good stocks  

and last but not least build up your character to be someone of integrity.

 "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve" - Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich

With much love,

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Wealth of Character

Hello my dear friends,
I hope you've all been having a good week so far. Today I want to talk about a very important treasure which will determine our success in life.

Wealth of Character
When we refer to someone as having character we mean that the person has good character as opposed to someone who has bad character. A man of character will have qualities of integrity, honesty, courage, determination, compassion, fairness, kindness, forgiveness, responsibility, sacrifice and so on. Such a person is guided by his conscience and even when he makes a mistake he will try to correct it and make amends. He is true to himself, listens to his conscience and cares about others. Such qualities enables him to overcome obstacles and to persevere until he reaches his goal. Not only can such a person succeed but he can also preserve the fruits of his sacrifice and hard work. For example a man may succeed in amassing a large fortune through fraudulent or unscrupulous means but he lives in constant fear that sooner or later the law will catch up with him and that he will lose everything. He does not experience real happiness and when he does get caught he loses everything. So if   you live with integrity and courage and are surrounded by people with character you are indeed rich!

Here are some quotes to think about:

"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously." - Eleanor Roosevelt.

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

"When the character of a man is not clear to you look at his friends." - Japanese Proverb

"Sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny" - George Dana Boardman 

"Character is what you think in the dark." - Dwight L. Moody

Hope you enjoy! May you all find new treasures. 
Much love,

Saturday 2 February 2013

Food for Your Soul

Hello my dear friends,
Thanks for reading my post yesterday about how vegetarian food has a positive effect on your thoughts, actions and emotions. While we are on planet earth we want the best for ourselves and others so why not start with our health. Indeed health is wealth because we can have a million dollars but without the good health to enjoy life we can't have the quality of life we desire. Apart from selecting healthy foods to eat we also need to avoid unhealthy habits such as overeating, smoking, and  excessive intake of alcohol and drug abuse. 

Unhealthy habits usually stem from a lack of self love, a sense of emptiness and failure, a lack of fulfillment. If one wants the best in life for oneself it's important to look within. Beyond the layers of your body, emotions and mind lies something great, intense, unsullied, beautiful and magnificent. And that is your soul, your spirit, your higher Self call it what you want. But the truth is you are truth itself, you are bliss, you are knowledge, you are abundance and you don't need food, alcohol, drugs or any external aid to experience that. You are love itself so love yourself. Fall in love with yourself, not in a narcisstic, selfish way but appreciate this great opportunity to unfold your potential and find your inner truth and experience the real you. The real you is beautiful, true, good, kind, peace and bliss.  By being dependent on something outside of us to be happy, we victimise ourselves and become powerless. To empower ourselves we need to master our selves and our senses and give up bad habits.

A healthy body deserves a healthy mind and emotions and so it is important not to neglect this aspect of our health. Be in the company of positive minded, optimistic persons. Cultivate your mind to think about high ideals, triumph of the human soul against all odds, believe in the impossible, believe in you.

The easiest way to find good company is to read good books such as Jeffrey Archer's Paths of Glory,         J.R.R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and A Hobbit Journey, Benjamin Hoff's The Tao of Pooh, Steven Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Pursuit of Happiness by Chris Gardner, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and hundreds more. For me personally these books I have mentioned are among many which have inspired and encouraged me when I needed it most.

The Giving Tree


Nowadays it is so easy to lose ourselves in watching too much television, excessive talk, being on line too long and the list goes on.  During the recent Olympics in London I was truly in awe of the participants. Some of the swimmers who were interviewed said that they would start training at 4 am daily for 3 to 4 hours  before they attended school each day and they were only young teenagers. Such training and discipline certainly made them world champions. So in order to have a healthy body, mind and emotions some discipline and restraint is essential in the way we train our body, mind and emotions.

Food for good health does not only mean only what we eat. It also includes  what we hear and see also. It is important to take in food for our soul listening to good words, seeing good actions and avoiding violent movies and pornography.

Express your love and friendship, laugh as often as you can. Pray to God. Most of all BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

Until we meet again my dears,  may today be filled with happy surprises and laughter for you.

Friday 1 February 2013

Health is Wealth

Different kinds of wealth
Hello my dear friends,
I promised I would talk about the different kinds of wealth in my next post. These are some of the treasures I would like to talk about.

We have all heard the proverb " Health is wealth". I think we often take our health for granted and fail to realise that it's not just a healthy body that we need but also a healthy mind and healthy emotions. Let's look at healthy body first.

 In order to have a healthy body we need to eat the right foods, exercise and go for regular check ups as we age. It's good to eat foods which are fresh, full of vitamins and life giving such as fruits and vegetables. The foods we eat also have an effect on our thoughts and consequently our actions. Vegetarian food consisting of fruits and vegetables, especially if it is raw, has the most life force and makes a person serene, good natured and happy.

The way in which the food is prepared, the thoughts of the person preparing the food also affects the energy in the food. When food is prepared with love and peaceful thoughts that food is pure. When a person is in a rage or fit of jealousy those negative emotions are carried into the food and the person eating that food will be affected in a negative way. That is why it is very important to say a prayer of blessing and thanks to God before we eat anything. And if you are cooking for your loved ones, family and friends do be conscious of your thoughts and pass on some loving and happy thoughts to the dish you are preparing. 

The less meat we eat the better especially those of larger animals such as pork and beef. These animals have a higher consciousness and their suffering is greater as they wait their turn to be slaughtered. By eating them we are just adding their trauma into our bodies. The fear and misery they experience at the time of death will be transferred to the person eating them and may cause depression, anger, sadness, pessimism. But even certain vegetarian foods can be harmful such as too much chilli as this causes anger. The best is to eat any food in moderation and to avoid the harmful ones.

Happy cooking and eating! Until we meet again adieu and sayonara.