
Monday 10 June 2013


Hello my dear friends,
How have you been since the day of eternal wealth? Good I hope and may your fortunes increase day by day. It is important that you understand that all gifts and blessings will come to you provided you are open to the divine law of abundance. Some call it the universal law of abundance.

Each and every life on this planet and universe is connected to each other. Every thought, word and deed of ours affects another in some way. It is therefore important to wish for the well being of others and to work for the well being of another. What you put out there through your words, thoughts and deeds comes back to you. They say what goes around comes around. The law of physics says that every action has a reaction. It is the circle of life.

So open up yourself to the goodness of this Universe. Don't have poverty consciousness. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wallowing in self pity. Stop blaming everyone around you for your unhappiness. When you have negative thoughts , thoughts of self pity, anger, bitterness, jealousy and frustration you are actually saying NO to the Universe- You are saying to yourself this is all I will get and I don't deserve more. EXPAND YOUR WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS by:
  1. Feeling you deserve happiness and wealth.
  2. Resolving any conflicts you have with others by forgiveness and letting go. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and don't repeat them. Complete peace in our hearts will enable the inner magic to work. Your peaceful mind will be a fertile place for creativity, inspiration and optimism. Your peaceful mind will tune in more easily with the Universe and it's blessings.
  3. Feeling grateful for all the blessings already bestowed on you. Your healthy body itself is a great gift. Think of those who have no sight, hands or feet. Think of those who have no family. Think of those who have no roof over their heads. Think of those who live in war without any peace. When you start feeling grateful you start feeling happy and positive.
  4. When you are able to feel this happiness then you will also feel confident that you are the creator of your own wealth and joy in life.
  5. Be determined to achieve the wealth you want to have. Money is important but it is not the only wealth. Choose to have the wealth of character, wealth of true friendship, wealth of family, wealth of a healthy life, wealth of a healthy mind also. Build up your determination BY INJECTING YOURSELF WITH WORDS OF COURAGE, STRENGTH AND PERSEVERANCE. DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR GOAL.
  6. Take positive action. Take that first step and the law of abundance will start to work in your life.
I know this lady who was married at the age of 20 and she has an 8 year old daughter. Her first year of marriage was blissful but tragically her husband was killed in an accident a year later. She worked in MacDonalds as a driver and managed to eke out a living until she met with an accident two years ago. It was a hit and run and her hip and leg were fractured. She underwent surgery and stayed in hospital for 6 months.

She has been asking me for a long while to find her a work at home job. I was not able to find one that she could do. On the day of eternal wealth this year 13th May 2013, I decided to help her start a small home business selling ladies and girls' accessories. I bought her 6 dinner clutch purses, 12 necklaces with stone lockets, 12 necklaces with fancy pendants, 3 dozen hairclips, 1 dozen earrings and 1 dozen purses at a wholesale price. Within 2 weeks she has successfully sold many of these items and has been offered a permanent place to do her business free of charge, 5 days a week. Her neighbour has offered to lend her a bike which she can use to travel to her place of business. Isn't that great?  The moment she took the first step forward, more opportunities have come her way to improve her business.

I wish you all the best of luck in your positive endeavours and may you all find more and more wealth and happiness in your lives.

Much Love,
Aurora Gold