
Saturday 11 May 2013

Day of Great and Eternal Wealth and Prosperity

Hello everyone,
The 13th May 2013 is known among Hindus as the day of eternal prosperity and success. Depending in which hemisphere you are for some of you this auspicious day may have already dawned. This day coincides with the time of the waxing moon as it grows and grows in brightness for the next two weeks and the moon is full and at it's most auspicious. It is generally  believed that all positive activities undertaken during the waxing period of the new moon( which happens every month) will grow and culminate in success. This special date in May this year,  is known as Akshaya Tirtha. Akshaya means never ending, eternal, infinite, never diminishing. Tirtha means divine  blessings from God, Universe, the Supreme Light

It is said that on this day Kubera, Treasurer of gods prayed to Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth, to fill his treasury.

Starting New Ventures
On this blessed and auspicious day you can start on any good venture related to business, acquiring of property such as buying of gold, jewellery, car, house etc. You could:
  1.  Start your first lesson in dance, singing, music today. If you cannot start today you can at least sign up today.
  2. You can pay the deposit for your new car or house or any other material possession you wish to acquire.
  3. You could purchase shares on the stock market.
  4. You could buy a small piece of gold or more if you can afford it!
  5. You could open a new bank account.
  6. You could buy a new piece of clothing.
  7. You could register a new business.
  8. Start on a new and healthy diet
  9. Plant some new fruit trees, flowers or crops...... and the list goes on.  

Acts of kindness and charity
On this auspicious day t is also very much in your favour to perform acts of charity such as: 
  1. Feeding the poor
  2. Donating clothing, school uniforms and shoes, money, story books and toys for needy     children.
  3. Helping some one struggling in life do set up a small business.
  4. Visiting the sick and infirm.
  5. Feeding animals.
 You can do any act of charity that suits you. Perhaps today you can feed the fish and birds in your garden or park. Maybe you can buy someone a free meal  or give an old lonely person a nice gift. You could buy some story books for poor kids in your neighbourhood. The important thing is that you do it with a sincere heart and with love.

So my dear friends don't waste any time. Get the ball rolling.  Tune in with this heavenly abundance being showered upon you today. Fill your hearts with hope and courage. Believe in the Universal love and light that wants to give you prosperity, joy and abundance. Do your bit and get out there. Get started NOW

Enjoy this great day people!

Much love,
Aurora Gold