
Monday 29 April 2013

Power of Wealth affirmations and Money Multiplier

Hello my dear friends,
I am so sorry I'v not posted any articles for quite awhile. Even then you are all always on my mind. Anyway I hope you have enjoyed and benefited in some way by reading my posts. Most importantly I hope you are being enriched in all aspects of your lives.

Affirmations are positive words and thoughts we repeat to ourselves frequently to achieve certain goals. These goals should of course be beneficial to our higher Self and create harmony in our lives. We can repeat affirmations for health, wealth, happiness, protection, loving relationships, success, peace and so on.  By repeating a certain affirmation we tend to visualise the goal we have in mind. As we say the words describing the goal, an image is formed in our mind and new neural pathways are being created in our brain. As we continue to say these positive words daily, a confident believe grows in our mind. As a result our words synchronise with our thoughts and that will compel your subconscious mind to take action in fulfilling your goal. As your words and thoughts become one so will your actions become more focused and directed to that one single goal.

Not only that. When you consistently start believing in something you are actually tuning your thoughts to a certain frequency just  like a radio station. When your thoughts are attuned in a particular frequency you attract thoughts and things of the same frequency. There was a time I would say to myself that I could not afford certain items, expensive holidays, help more people or achieve certain goals. One day I realised that I was setting limits to what I could have and do,and I changed the way I viewed what I could have in life. The moment I felt I could have and achieve more, I started getting the money I needed and the opportunities to achieve more wonderful things in my life.

They say birds of feather flock together and it's quite easy to see that positive minded people attract each other, the fashion conscious attract other fashion conscious people, literary people veer towards their own kind. So if you are with a bad crowd which is not helping you in any way then change the group you are mixing with. Change your thinking by changing your self talk and the language you use with your close ones. Start thinking the thoughts which will help you achieve your goal to financial freedom.

I know many people who are in debt and accept their fate because of their wrong thinking. They did not stop to analyse their situation or seek the advice of some one who could help them solve their problem. They did not think in a different manner such as " I want to get out of this mess and I have to find a proper legal way to do it. And I will somehow become debt free." 

Our subconscious mind is a very powerful entity and it does whatever it believes to be true. Affirmations are best suggested to your mind when you are in a relaxed and happy frame of mind. After some pleasant walking, yoga or restful activity lie down and close your eyes and start to visualise good pleasant things. When your mind is in a dreamy half wakeful state, that is a conducive time to repeat positive affirmations to yourself. In such a state your mind is in an Alpha state where your brain waves are  functioning at  cycles between 9Hz to 14Hz.  Go to Mind Motivations at for a more detailed explanation. You can also read

Affirmations you can repeat to yourself:
"I am a  divine child of this Divine Universe and I deserve to receive prosperity, good health, happiness and love in my life. I thank this wonderful Universe for all the good things It is sending my way. Thank you for all the wonderful things in my life.I wish all beings in this Universe peace and love."  

 If you are a lover of God then thank Him or Her for all the blessings you have received and are receiving. Being grateful will bring more goodness into your life.
"Divine Mother/ Divine Father How can I thank you for all the kindness and protection you have bestowed on me? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love You have showered on me and I pray that You will bless me with prosperity, peace, good health and happiness. May all beings be blessed with peace, prosperity, good health and happiness. Please bless me and  show me the way to achieve my goals. Thank you."

Videos for your enjoyment!

 Neural Pathways - YouTube

Make Your Own Pyramid Vastu - Money Multiplier - YouTube

Dr Henry Grayson Teaches A Simple Technique To Create New Neuro Pathways - YouTube

Much Love,
Aurora Gold