
Saturday 9 March 2013

Rags to Riches Billionaires

Hello my dear friends,
Hope you've had some good days this week and taken the first step towards a rich and fulfilling life. What are all your dreams? Did you list them down, create a plan and start? Let's look at some rags to riches billionaires who started from scratch and made it bigger than their wildest dreams.

Steve Jobs entrepreneur, co- founder and CEO of Apple inc was an orphan and dropped out of college because his parents could not afford to pay the fees. He returned coke bottles for food money and dropped in on calligraphy classes which would later greatly influence his design and invention of the Macintosh computer. Forbes estimated his net worth at $8.3 billion in 2010 one year before he died.

Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks coffee house is worth $1.5 billion and came from a very poor family. To escape the hardship of poverty  he threw himself into sports and he excelled in it. As a result  he was awarded a scholarship with which he went to university. He worked in Starbucks as director of marketing and later bought it up.

Li Ka -Shing of Hong Kong, born in China, lost his father at the age of 15 and had to leave school to shoulder the financial responsibility of his family at a tender age. He worked long hours at a plastic factory and borrowed money to manufacture plastic flowers. Today he has a conglomerate which deals in supermarkets, property and cell phones. He has a net worth of $23 billion.

All of the above billionaires started small but had big dreams. They came up the hard way. Despite their struggles they never gave up but continued to do their best. You can too! Don't let the small stuff get you down. You are far greater than all the petty problems that surround you. Good luck!

Monday 4 March 2013

Wealthy Self Talk is what you need

Hello my dear friends,  
I hope you enjoyed reading my post about how your brain can determine your wealth and how rich you become. Did you have a go at  listing down your goals? Have you made a list of goals for this year, the next five years and ten years? Next did you make an action plan for the next 6 months. If you have congratulations! It's really a great start and you should be proud of yourself.

The next step is to start. If you have a goal regarding your health and your action plan is to go for walks then have you planned when to start? Start today if you can. Was one of your goals to spend more time with your family? Have you fixed a time and activity for today or this week? 

One of your goals must definitely be about financial freedom. How much money did you set down for yourself in ten years? When a part of your brain said five million-$5,000,000 did a part of you say "That's a ridiculously huge amount. It's impossible." Did you feel a fear when you thought about some new business idea or new job that could make that dream come true? When you thought of losing weight by starting a gym routine did you feel a lack of self confidence and say to your self, "I  am shy. I can't afford to pay. I don't have the time."   These comments that countered your new resolutions are your negative self talk and you need to dispel them. How? By positive self talk and a new determination.

"Disputing your self talk means challenging the negative or unhelpful aspects. Doing this enables you to feel better and to respond to situations in a more helpful way. Learning to dispute negative thoughts might take time and practice but is worth the effort. Once you start looking at it, you'll probably be surprised by how much of your thinking is inaccurate, exaggerated, or focused on the negatives of the situation." - 

Be positive, feel excited, most important of all TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME and get the ball rolling. Before you know it you will be in the process of nearing your goal at a speed much faster than you expected. 

Go for it! All the best,