
Saturday 3 November 2012

Gods and Goddesses, Wealth mantras and Creating Abudance

Warm greetings dear friends,
Thanks for reading my first article about attracting wealth into your home and family life. Today's article is a continuation describing other Gods and Goddesses of Wealth, wealth mantras to chant and one's innate ability to create abundance.

Gods and Goddesses of Wealth

Abundantia as the name suggests is all about abundance and prosperity. She is the Roman Goddess of Wealth who gives good fortune and distributes grain and money from a cornucopia. A cornucopia is a horn of plenty, a heavenly vessel that provides food and money endlessly. (It is similar in nature to an Akshaya Patra in Hindu mythology and whoever is blessed with this vessel will be granted any variety of vegetarian food without limit).


Aje and Oshun
Aje is an African goddess and regarded by Nigerians as the Yoruba Goddess of wealth, profit, wealth creation and sustenance for the Yoruba race. It is believed that if she is properly propitiated things go well in business and trade. Oshun is the Yoruba goddess of love, beauty, courage and wealth.


This goddess is the Greek counterpart of Abundantia. She is the personification of beauty and peace. She too carries a cornucopia, sceptre and torch and is the daughter of Zeus. The torch is a symbol of light and purity. Zeus, her father is the most powerful God in the Greek heirarchy of gods and goddesses.

Tsai Shen
Tsai Shen
He was a disciple of Lao Tzu the great teacher of Taoism. He later became a Taoist master himself and acquired many spiritual powers including healing the sick. Those who seek his help are protected and they receive wealth and good fortune. 

 Laughing /Smiling Buddha
Smiling Budhha
This endearing Buddha is believed to be a reincarnation of Gautama Buddha.  According to Chinese folklore he was a monk with a loving and open heart. He is a Bodhisatva or enlightened being. He is a popular deity in Chinese restaurants and it is believed that by rubbing his belly one receives wealth, good luck, auspicious energy and  joyful blessings. According to Feng Shui he is to be placed in different directions for different blessings.

Universal Energy It is up to you which divine form or deity you choose to ask for wealth but for each you should follow the customs and rituals associated with it. What I feel and have experienced about wealth attraction is that we are all connected to the Universal energy and this supreme power will grant to us what we need at the time we need it. 

Open the Door We just have to connect to this power source of abundance and goodness. A lot of the time we are not in sync with this beautiful source of light and abundance  so we struggle to feel fulfilled. But as we become more and more aligned with  this all giving light we experience more and more happiness in all areas of material and spiritual life. 

One of the simple ways to be in tune with the Law of Attraction is to chant a prosperity mantra.


Mantras are essentially 'thought forms' representing divinities or cosmic powers, which exert their influence by means of sound vibrations. By repeating a specific mantra one is able to tap into the cosmic super source to manifest one's intent. You can ask for good health, protection from harm, peace, prosperity, healing or inspiration but how much you receive is determined by your own belief or conversely your limitations. 

Wealth Mantras
Differet mantras are used for different requests. An effective mantra for wealth attraction is the Kubera mantra. Kubera is regarded as the treasurer of the Gods  which means he  guards the universal supply of wealth which is infinite! The mantra is as follows and should be chanted 108 times daily with a pure intention:

Om Shreem Om Hreem

Shreem Shreem Kleem

Vitteswaraya Namaha

Om is a pure state beyond mind, body and intellect. 

Shreem is material and spiritual wealth which allows us to surrender to, take refuge in, or be immersed in whatever we offer the mantra to. It is the mantra of beauty and delight and has a pleasing tranquil quality and can be used to immerse our being with divine beauty and delight. 

Hreem increases our aspiration and receptivity to Divine light, wisdom and truth. It opens the lotus of the heart to the inner Sun of consciousness and protects you from sinful activities of mind body and intellect.

Kleem bestows great beauty when you are free from the poisons of anger and jealousy. 

There are also Buddhist wealth mantras.

My dear friends we are all intrinsically beautiful, magical and divine. In order to experience the full potential of who we are we need to align ourselves with the divine universal energy.   
We need to be in harmony within and without. We just need to open up our hearts to the riches that await us. First you must believe. May you all have rich fulfilling days ahead.

Much love,

Friday 26 October 2012

Attracting Wealth

Warmest greetings dearest friends,
I haven't met any of you and I'm really excited about my very first post. I have so much I want to share with you all -my thoughts, feelings and my two cent worth of wisdom. I hope you will find my articles helpful and inspiring.

Since my blog is about wealth and beauty I would like to first talk about the Gods and Goddesses of Wealth. There are many such Gods from different cultures around the world such as the Roman God of Wealth Pluto, Buddhist Goddess of Wealth and Wisdom Vasudhara , Taoist God TSai Shen Yeh, Egyptian Goddess Renenet, West African Goddess OF Wealth Aje, Laughing Smiling Budhha and many more who have been worshipped for centuries.

The Hindu Goddess of Wealth  is known most commonly as Lakshmi Devi. She is both wealth and beauty personified and every Hindu loves her and worships her daily. Do read about her and learn how to receive her love and blessings in your daily life. Learn how to be become a goddess yourself and experience joy and abundance! Here are some dos and don'ts to get you started:

  1. Do have a shower every morning and put on clean clothes.
  2. Do tidy up the house before you sleep or early morning.
  3. Do put fresh flowers at the entrance or just inside the entrance of your  home,   office or place of business.
  4. Do make your home fragrant with soothing aromas - aromatic candles, incense or aromatherapy oils.
  5. Do light a lamp or candle for the God of your choice or fill your heart with vision of light.
  6. Do say a prayer of thankfulness for all the happiness and blessings, big and small you are experiencing now.
  7. Do share your love with God's creatures and feed the birds in your garden or fish in your park daily.
  8. Do treat your guests with utmost warmth and kindness.
  9. Do try to give someone some food unasked every day - perhaps a sandwich for your colleague or a doughnut for a homeless man.
  10. Do laugh a lot at home and at work and enjoy the company of those around you.
  11. Do try to be considerate and kind.
  12. Do concentrate on your work and be diligent.
  13. Do use positive words.
  14. Do be optimistic and believe that good things will come to you and others.
  15. Do respect Mother Nature and do what you can to conserve the environment.
  1. Don't be lazy.
  2. Don't be unclean.
  3. Don't forget to thank God.
  4. Don't quarrel too much at home or at work.
  5. Don't be sad for too long.
  6. Don't cry too much or loudly.
  7. Don't use negative words.
  8. Don't be dishonest or cheat others.
  9. Don't be rude to your guests.
  10. Don't hoard things.
  11. Don't be jealous of others happiness or success.
  12. Don't be selfish.
  13. Don't have poverty consciousness
  14. Don't be greedy.
  15. Don't disrespect Mother Nature by wasting food, energy, water, electricity and natural resources.

Lakshmi in a broader perspective

Lakshmi is not only the giver of wealth, health and auspiciousness she is also the divine Mother who protects her children and she gives to all regardless of color, race or religion. Hers is the religion of love and hard work. She is cosmic energy personified. She is divine energy of abundance and creation. She is Mother earth and she gives unconditionally to all who attract her. She is the sun who blesses us with warmth, light and sustenance. She is the divine energy that creates new stars and galaxies. She is the omnipresent and eternal energy that can never be destroyed. She is the law of attraction. She is universal abundance, divine light, good fortune, strength. She is love and light. Every woman is in fact is Goddess Lakshmi herself and the more she imbibes the positive qualities above, the more she will attract the blessings of the Universe and put the Law of Attraction into motion in her life and in the lives of those around her.

Goddess of Wealth

Lakshmi Devi
Lakshmi Devi is the consort of Lord Vishnu who is the preserver of this Universe and part of the Hindu Trinity. She is regarded as one of the three forms of Shakthi or dynamic divine energy. She not only grants wealth but also gives gold, auspiciousness, progeny, courage, bliss, good health, long life and everything to make your life perfect and filled with happiness. She is depicted seated on a lotus on a serene lake with four arms. She holds a lotus and a pot of gold pouring out gold coins.

Inviting Lakshmi into Your Home

It is the practice in every Hindu home to welcome her into their home early in the morning every day. The lady of the house has a bath in order to welcome Lakshmi into her home as Lakshmi is purity herself and is drawn to cleanliness. The front of the house is swept clean and sprinkled with water and a beautiful rangoli pattern is drawn, a different one each day using rice flour. This is done to show Lakshmi Devi that you are sharing your food even with the tiny creatures because the moment you start your beautiful pattern on the floor the ants come running for their breakfast! A lamp and incense is lit and fresh flowers picked from the garden and is offered to the divine Lakshmi with love and gratitude for her daily blessings. When Lakshmi steps into your home the day will be filled with joy, success, renewed energy, good food, good news and laughter.

What Lakshmi likes

Lakshmi likes purity and cleanliness so it is important to keep your house clean, neat and uncluttered. The entrance to your home should be neat and welcoming. There should be no brooms or footwear lying untidily at the entrance. These should instead be arranged or tucked away neatly. Lakshmi likes flowers so you can place a bowl of fresh flowers in water just outside the door. In order to create a soothing and comforting ambiance you can burn some aromatic candles or incense. Usually on festivals fresh mango leaves are strung above the door to keep out negative energy and attract only positive energy. Lakshmi likes laughter and kind words and she will not stay where families constantly quarrel or use harsh negative words. She loves divine praises to God, holy verses sung, smiling faces, kindness, sharing and forgiving. She will never stay in a home where vulgar words, unkind and cruel words are spoken or mean, cruel acts are performed. She likes ladies of the house to be hardworking, caring and creative.

When Lakshmi is pleased

It is said that when Lakshmi gives one even a coy, side-wards glance that blessed one will receive untold riches like winning a huge jackpot lottery! And when she gives you a direct glance all the riches of the universe would be yours to have.

My next article will be about the other Gods of wealth I mentioned at the introduction, wealth mantras and more!

I wish you all prosperous and blissful days ahead.

With much love and joy,