
Monday 10 June 2013


Hello my dear friends,
How have you been since the day of eternal wealth? Good I hope and may your fortunes increase day by day. It is important that you understand that all gifts and blessings will come to you provided you are open to the divine law of abundance. Some call it the universal law of abundance.

Each and every life on this planet and universe is connected to each other. Every thought, word and deed of ours affects another in some way. It is therefore important to wish for the well being of others and to work for the well being of another. What you put out there through your words, thoughts and deeds comes back to you. They say what goes around comes around. The law of physics says that every action has a reaction. It is the circle of life.

So open up yourself to the goodness of this Universe. Don't have poverty consciousness. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and wallowing in self pity. Stop blaming everyone around you for your unhappiness. When you have negative thoughts , thoughts of self pity, anger, bitterness, jealousy and frustration you are actually saying NO to the Universe- You are saying to yourself this is all I will get and I don't deserve more. EXPAND YOUR WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS by:
  1. Feeling you deserve happiness and wealth.
  2. Resolving any conflicts you have with others by forgiveness and letting go. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and don't repeat them. Complete peace in our hearts will enable the inner magic to work. Your peaceful mind will be a fertile place for creativity, inspiration and optimism. Your peaceful mind will tune in more easily with the Universe and it's blessings.
  3. Feeling grateful for all the blessings already bestowed on you. Your healthy body itself is a great gift. Think of those who have no sight, hands or feet. Think of those who have no family. Think of those who have no roof over their heads. Think of those who live in war without any peace. When you start feeling grateful you start feeling happy and positive.
  4. When you are able to feel this happiness then you will also feel confident that you are the creator of your own wealth and joy in life.
  5. Be determined to achieve the wealth you want to have. Money is important but it is not the only wealth. Choose to have the wealth of character, wealth of true friendship, wealth of family, wealth of a healthy life, wealth of a healthy mind also. Build up your determination BY INJECTING YOURSELF WITH WORDS OF COURAGE, STRENGTH AND PERSEVERANCE. DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR GOAL.
  6. Take positive action. Take that first step and the law of abundance will start to work in your life.
I know this lady who was married at the age of 20 and she has an 8 year old daughter. Her first year of marriage was blissful but tragically her husband was killed in an accident a year later. She worked in MacDonalds as a driver and managed to eke out a living until she met with an accident two years ago. It was a hit and run and her hip and leg were fractured. She underwent surgery and stayed in hospital for 6 months.

She has been asking me for a long while to find her a work at home job. I was not able to find one that she could do. On the day of eternal wealth this year 13th May 2013, I decided to help her start a small home business selling ladies and girls' accessories. I bought her 6 dinner clutch purses, 12 necklaces with stone lockets, 12 necklaces with fancy pendants, 3 dozen hairclips, 1 dozen earrings and 1 dozen purses at a wholesale price. Within 2 weeks she has successfully sold many of these items and has been offered a permanent place to do her business free of charge, 5 days a week. Her neighbour has offered to lend her a bike which she can use to travel to her place of business. Isn't that great?  The moment she took the first step forward, more opportunities have come her way to improve her business.

I wish you all the best of luck in your positive endeavours and may you all find more and more wealth and happiness in your lives.

Much Love,
Aurora Gold 

Saturday 11 May 2013

Day of Great and Eternal Wealth and Prosperity

Hello everyone,
The 13th May 2013 is known among Hindus as the day of eternal prosperity and success. Depending in which hemisphere you are for some of you this auspicious day may have already dawned. This day coincides with the time of the waxing moon as it grows and grows in brightness for the next two weeks and the moon is full and at it's most auspicious. It is generally  believed that all positive activities undertaken during the waxing period of the new moon( which happens every month) will grow and culminate in success. This special date in May this year,  is known as Akshaya Tirtha. Akshaya means never ending, eternal, infinite, never diminishing. Tirtha means divine  blessings from God, Universe, the Supreme Light

It is said that on this day Kubera, Treasurer of gods prayed to Goddess Lakshmi the Goddess of wealth, to fill his treasury.

Starting New Ventures
On this blessed and auspicious day you can start on any good venture related to business, acquiring of property such as buying of gold, jewellery, car, house etc. You could:
  1.  Start your first lesson in dance, singing, music today. If you cannot start today you can at least sign up today.
  2. You can pay the deposit for your new car or house or any other material possession you wish to acquire.
  3. You could purchase shares on the stock market.
  4. You could buy a small piece of gold or more if you can afford it!
  5. You could open a new bank account.
  6. You could buy a new piece of clothing.
  7. You could register a new business.
  8. Start on a new and healthy diet
  9. Plant some new fruit trees, flowers or crops...... and the list goes on.  

Acts of kindness and charity
On this auspicious day t is also very much in your favour to perform acts of charity such as: 
  1. Feeding the poor
  2. Donating clothing, school uniforms and shoes, money, story books and toys for needy     children.
  3. Helping some one struggling in life do set up a small business.
  4. Visiting the sick and infirm.
  5. Feeding animals.
 You can do any act of charity that suits you. Perhaps today you can feed the fish and birds in your garden or park. Maybe you can buy someone a free meal  or give an old lonely person a nice gift. You could buy some story books for poor kids in your neighbourhood. The important thing is that you do it with a sincere heart and with love.

So my dear friends don't waste any time. Get the ball rolling.  Tune in with this heavenly abundance being showered upon you today. Fill your hearts with hope and courage. Believe in the Universal love and light that wants to give you prosperity, joy and abundance. Do your bit and get out there. Get started NOW

Enjoy this great day people!

Much love,
Aurora Gold   


Monday 29 April 2013

Power of Wealth affirmations and Money Multiplier

Hello my dear friends,
I am so sorry I'v not posted any articles for quite awhile. Even then you are all always on my mind. Anyway I hope you have enjoyed and benefited in some way by reading my posts. Most importantly I hope you are being enriched in all aspects of your lives.

Affirmations are positive words and thoughts we repeat to ourselves frequently to achieve certain goals. These goals should of course be beneficial to our higher Self and create harmony in our lives. We can repeat affirmations for health, wealth, happiness, protection, loving relationships, success, peace and so on.  By repeating a certain affirmation we tend to visualise the goal we have in mind. As we say the words describing the goal, an image is formed in our mind and new neural pathways are being created in our brain. As we continue to say these positive words daily, a confident believe grows in our mind. As a result our words synchronise with our thoughts and that will compel your subconscious mind to take action in fulfilling your goal. As your words and thoughts become one so will your actions become more focused and directed to that one single goal.

Not only that. When you consistently start believing in something you are actually tuning your thoughts to a certain frequency just  like a radio station. When your thoughts are attuned in a particular frequency you attract thoughts and things of the same frequency. There was a time I would say to myself that I could not afford certain items, expensive holidays, help more people or achieve certain goals. One day I realised that I was setting limits to what I could have and do,and I changed the way I viewed what I could have in life. The moment I felt I could have and achieve more, I started getting the money I needed and the opportunities to achieve more wonderful things in my life.

They say birds of feather flock together and it's quite easy to see that positive minded people attract each other, the fashion conscious attract other fashion conscious people, literary people veer towards their own kind. So if you are with a bad crowd which is not helping you in any way then change the group you are mixing with. Change your thinking by changing your self talk and the language you use with your close ones. Start thinking the thoughts which will help you achieve your goal to financial freedom.

I know many people who are in debt and accept their fate because of their wrong thinking. They did not stop to analyse their situation or seek the advice of some one who could help them solve their problem. They did not think in a different manner such as " I want to get out of this mess and I have to find a proper legal way to do it. And I will somehow become debt free." 

Our subconscious mind is a very powerful entity and it does whatever it believes to be true. Affirmations are best suggested to your mind when you are in a relaxed and happy frame of mind. After some pleasant walking, yoga or restful activity lie down and close your eyes and start to visualise good pleasant things. When your mind is in a dreamy half wakeful state, that is a conducive time to repeat positive affirmations to yourself. In such a state your mind is in an Alpha state where your brain waves are  functioning at  cycles between 9Hz to 14Hz.  Go to Mind Motivations at for a more detailed explanation. You can also read

Affirmations you can repeat to yourself:
"I am a  divine child of this Divine Universe and I deserve to receive prosperity, good health, happiness and love in my life. I thank this wonderful Universe for all the good things It is sending my way. Thank you for all the wonderful things in my life.I wish all beings in this Universe peace and love."  

 If you are a lover of God then thank Him or Her for all the blessings you have received and are receiving. Being grateful will bring more goodness into your life.
"Divine Mother/ Divine Father How can I thank you for all the kindness and protection you have bestowed on me? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love You have showered on me and I pray that You will bless me with prosperity, peace, good health and happiness. May all beings be blessed with peace, prosperity, good health and happiness. Please bless me and  show me the way to achieve my goals. Thank you."

Videos for your enjoyment!

 Neural Pathways - YouTube

Make Your Own Pyramid Vastu - Money Multiplier - YouTube

Dr Henry Grayson Teaches A Simple Technique To Create New Neuro Pathways - YouTube

Much Love,
Aurora Gold 

Saturday 9 March 2013

Rags to Riches Billionaires

Hello my dear friends,
Hope you've had some good days this week and taken the first step towards a rich and fulfilling life. What are all your dreams? Did you list them down, create a plan and start? Let's look at some rags to riches billionaires who started from scratch and made it bigger than their wildest dreams.

Steve Jobs entrepreneur, co- founder and CEO of Apple inc was an orphan and dropped out of college because his parents could not afford to pay the fees. He returned coke bottles for food money and dropped in on calligraphy classes which would later greatly influence his design and invention of the Macintosh computer. Forbes estimated his net worth at $8.3 billion in 2010 one year before he died.

Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks coffee house is worth $1.5 billion and came from a very poor family. To escape the hardship of poverty  he threw himself into sports and he excelled in it. As a result  he was awarded a scholarship with which he went to university. He worked in Starbucks as director of marketing and later bought it up.

Li Ka -Shing of Hong Kong, born in China, lost his father at the age of 15 and had to leave school to shoulder the financial responsibility of his family at a tender age. He worked long hours at a plastic factory and borrowed money to manufacture plastic flowers. Today he has a conglomerate which deals in supermarkets, property and cell phones. He has a net worth of $23 billion.

All of the above billionaires started small but had big dreams. They came up the hard way. Despite their struggles they never gave up but continued to do their best. You can too! Don't let the small stuff get you down. You are far greater than all the petty problems that surround you. Good luck!

Monday 4 March 2013

Wealthy Self Talk is what you need

Hello my dear friends,  
I hope you enjoyed reading my post about how your brain can determine your wealth and how rich you become. Did you have a go at  listing down your goals? Have you made a list of goals for this year, the next five years and ten years? Next did you make an action plan for the next 6 months. If you have congratulations! It's really a great start and you should be proud of yourself.

The next step is to start. If you have a goal regarding your health and your action plan is to go for walks then have you planned when to start? Start today if you can. Was one of your goals to spend more time with your family? Have you fixed a time and activity for today or this week? 

One of your goals must definitely be about financial freedom. How much money did you set down for yourself in ten years? When a part of your brain said five million-$5,000,000 did a part of you say "That's a ridiculously huge amount. It's impossible." Did you feel a fear when you thought about some new business idea or new job that could make that dream come true? When you thought of losing weight by starting a gym routine did you feel a lack of self confidence and say to your self, "I  am shy. I can't afford to pay. I don't have the time."   These comments that countered your new resolutions are your negative self talk and you need to dispel them. How? By positive self talk and a new determination.

"Disputing your self talk means challenging the negative or unhelpful aspects. Doing this enables you to feel better and to respond to situations in a more helpful way. Learning to dispute negative thoughts might take time and practice but is worth the effort. Once you start looking at it, you'll probably be surprised by how much of your thinking is inaccurate, exaggerated, or focused on the negatives of the situation." - 

Be positive, feel excited, most important of all TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME and get the ball rolling. Before you know it you will be in the process of nearing your goal at a speed much faster than you expected. 

Go for it! All the best,

Thursday 28 February 2013

Wealthy Blue Print and the Reticular Activating System

Hello my dear friends,
Any good news today? I hope your day's been a happy one with good food, kind people and comfort of home. If you felt disappointed today then I hope you had someone to listen to your troubles and something good to console you. Most of all remember you are a magnificent beautiful being. You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Don't give up. Persist. Persevere. 

If you want to be wealthy you must write down your goals and design your own  blue print. In other words list down in detail what you want and create an action plan that will materialise your goals. By doing this you are reprogramming your brain to make your dreams come true. When you decide to buy a new car and you decide which model you want you will start to notice the exact same model on the road when you are driving. If your dream car is a  white BMW you will start seeing white BMWs everywhere!  

The Reticular formation is a complex network of nerve fibres in the brainstem and is responsible for arousal,  attention, regulates awareness and sleep among other functions. The Reticular Activating System or RAS acts as a filter and screens out disturbing stimuli that obscures your focus.

Writing down what you want is crucial because it helps your brain focus on the important things and filter out  the distractions. The next step is to consistently read your list of goals and action plan. Do it daily. You can rewrite or revise as you go along. Just by doing that you will take the first step and your subconscious mind will find a way to make your dreams come true. 

Check out:

                    How your Psycho Cybernetic Mechanism Holds You Back

Enjoy and wishing you lots of luck,

Monday 25 February 2013

Wealth of each new day - Enrich every moment and day

Hello my dear friends,
How was your day today? I hope it was good. Did your plans work out? Did you have some good laughs, some loving moments with family and friends, a productive day? Did you say a few kind or encouraging words to someone? Were you able to share some food with another? Did you count your blessings and thank God for His protection and guidance?

Remember each day is brand new if we make it so. Each day we have the chance to correct the mistakes of yesterday, to strengthen and heal ourselves, to make new plans, to dream new dreams , to love more, forgive more, to take more action. Each day is a gift from God. Make each day your best and add it to your treasure chest of riches. Don't waste it.
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. - J.B.Priestley 

It's never too late to do what you only dream of doing. You can be 20 or 50 or 80 but it's never too late to learn something new like playing the piano or learning to salsa and waltz. It's never too late to go on a holiday you have only been dreaming of, or buying a property or saving and investing, or starting a business. It's never too late to fall in love or make new friends. It's never too late to give yourself or someone else another chance. It's all in your mind. You can start right now. What are you waiting for?  

Wishing you a beautiful today and beautiful tomorrows,